드라마 영화 방송

Tayler Swift - Blank Space (Video Memo) 가사

go_yo 2022. 7. 19.

Tayler Swift - Blank Space (Video Memo)

테일러 스위프트

테일러 앨범에 비디오 메모라는 트랙이 있다.

노래를 준비하면서 녹음했던 것도 앨범에 넣은 것이다.

앞에서 테일러가 말하는 게 있는 데 궁금해서 뭐라고 말하는지 찾아봤다.




So this next clip is, uh, from a session that I had with Max Martin and Johan Shell back and what we like to do is we like to run, um, a recording on our phones of everything we're doing when we're putting together just in case one of us blurts out a cool melody and then we forget about it, we want to go back and then and replay the tape so that we can remind ourselves what exactly we were saying. um, so I brought in this idea called Blank Space, and this was me playing it Max and Jyohan for the first time and they're shouting out these production ideas like you know the Oh! at the beginning of the chorus, um, and that ended up in the song. So this is the very beginning stages of the song on the album called "Blank Space."  




blurt out 무심결에 말하다, 불쑥 말하다

